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So excited! An awesomely talented web/graphic designer has stepped up to revamp this site this summer, modernize the graphics, add new current book reviews, and turn the site into a nonprofit that will work hard to help bring the value of books and reading to our kids!

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Best Kids Summer Reading List

Yep, it's nearly that time. Time to throw those knapsacks in the closet, stuff those dog-earred three-binders under the bed -- and pick up books you've wanted to read all year. The books that usually don't appear on school requirement lists. Read and Print our Best Kids Summer Reading List HERE

Save the Polar Bear

Polar bears could be extinct in 100 years if climate change Save the Polar Bearcontinues to melt the North Pole's ice, scientists say. The most recent scientific report says that all arctic ice could have disappeared completely by the summer of 2070. Bears need the ice to feed. They can smell the seals under the ice and can break through it to catch them, or just wait for them to come up for air. Polar bears have always been able to survive the summers with little food, but now, with longer wait time between the ice forming, they are starving. And starving bears have fewer cubs. Read more on the subject in THE LAST POLAR BEAR, published this year, written by Steven Kazlowski

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